18 Wheeler Truck Accident

If you have been in an accident involving an 18 wheeler truck, you may be eligible for compensation. We encourage you to please complete our short CONFIDENTIAL contact form on the right side of this page or call us immediately at 800-962-5152. Our truck accident lawyer will examine your case, answer your questions, and inform you of your legal rights and options.

A trucking accident occurs when large trailers (10,000+ lbs.) collide with other vehicles or pedestrians. Around 500,000 trucking accidents occur every year in the United States. Of these, approximately 5,000 trucking accidents result in fatalities. In fact, one out of every eight traffic fatalities involves a trucking collision.

Most of the deaths and injuries involve the passengers of vehicles while the drivers of the tractor trailers usually escape trucking collisions with little or no personal injury.

Due to the large size of trucks, an accident can greatly endanger the lives of other smaller vehicles unnecessarily when tractor trailer operators fail to consider proper crash prevention.

Common Causes of a 18 Wheeler  Truck Accident:

  • Unlicensed Driver
  • Speeding
  • Disobeying Safety Procedure
  • Motor Vehicle Inspection Failure
  • Repair & Maintenance Failure
  • Failure to Yield The Right of Way
  • DUI / DWI
  • Driver Fatigue
  • Trucker Overturns
  • Backing
  • Vehicle Collisions
  • Mechanical or Brake Failure
  • Tires Blow Up
  • Transporting Equipment with Trailers
  • Overloaded Trucks or Trailers
  • Loads That Shift Weight

18 Wheeler Truck Accidents: Personal Injury Lawyer

Trucking injuries can be prevented if passenger vehicle drivers take special care when driving near tractor-trailers. If a trucking collision does occur, record as much information as possible, including names and contact information of witnesses.

We encourage you to please complete our short CONFIDENTIAL contact form on the right side of this page or call us immediately at 800-962-5152. We will thoroughly examine your case, answer your questions, and inform you of your legal rights and options.

We work for you and will only take the steps you are comfortable with.

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